Studio Minosa Named Finalist at SBID Awards for Kitchen Design of the Year – We Need Your Vote!

August 4, 2024

We are beyond excited to share that Studio Minosa has been selected as a finalist for Kitchen Design of the Year at the prestigious SBID Awards in London!

We often hear, "Don’t you have enough awards?" While we are grateful for the recognition we've received over the years, it's not just about adding another trophy to the shelf. It’s about the incredible journey each project takes us on and the joy it brings to our clients, and everyone involved. There’s a special thrill in seeing a project become a finalist or, if we’re fortunate, a winner. It’s an infectious excitement that inspires us to push boundaries and strive for excellence.

The SBID Awards in London are a perfect example of this. We've entered four times before, never quite managing to bring home the trophy. This year, however, feels different. We’re thrilled to announce that our Terracotta Project has reached the finals for Kitchen Design of the Year for Australasia. We believe we’ve created something truly special, and now we’re asking for your help to turn this finalist position into a win.

It’s not just our team that shares this excitement. Our clients feel it, too, when their projects are celebrated on such a prestigious stage. And let’s not forget the incredible tradespeople whose craftsmanship brings our designs to life. Every award is a testament to their hard work and dedication. Winning isn't just a victory for us—it's a win for everyone involved, from conception to completion.

We need your support to make this happen. 30% of the SBID judging process is based on public votes, and your vote could make all the difference. It only takes a moment to cast, and it means the world to us.

Here’s how you can vote:

1. Click on this link: 🔗 VOTE NOW

2. Add your Name & Email and cast your vote for Studio Minosa.

3. Share the link with your friends and family to spread the word!

Thank you for being part of our journey. Together, we can make a difference and continue to design life better!

Stay tuned for more updates, Voting closes on the 11th of September 2024


#StudioMinosa #SBIDAwards #KitchenDesign #VoteNow #DesignLifeBetter